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海天學者Hoe I. Ling教授學術講座通知

2018-08-22  點擊:[]


報 告 人:Hoe I. Ling Professor, Columbia University

報告題目:Earthquake Response of Full-Scale Modular-Block Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls







This presentation is on the finite element simulations of the dynamic behavior of full-scale reinforced soil retaining walls subjected to earthquake loading. The experiments were conducted at a maximum horizontal acceleration of over 0.8g, with two walls subjected to only horizontal accelerations and two other walls under simultaneous horizontal and vertical accelerations. The analyses were conducted using advanced soil and geosynthetic models that were capable of simulating behavior under both monotonic and cyclic loadings. The soil was expressed using a unified general plasticity model, which was developed based on the critical state concept and that considered the stress level effects over a wide range of densities using a single set of parameters. The geosynthetic model was based on the bounding surface concept and it considered the S-shape load-strain behavior of polymeric geogrids. The calibrations of the models and details of finite element analysis were presented. The time response of horizontal and vertical accelerations obtained from the analyses, as well as wall deformations and tensile force in geogrids, were compared with the experimental results. The comparisons showed that the finite element results rendered satisfactory agreement with the full-scale shaking table test results.



Dr. Ling is a professor of Geotechnical Engineering at Columbia University. He obtained his bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Kyoto University, Japan, and his master's and doctoral degrees from the University of Tokyo. He became a visiting/research assistant professor, and subsequently assistant professor at the University of Delaware (1994-1998). He joined Columbia University in 1998 and was promoted to full professor in 2007. He was a visiting associate professor at Harvard University in spring 2006.

His major fields of research include geosynthetic-reinforced soil structures, soil constitutive modeling, geotechnical earthquake engineering, numerical and centrifuge modeling. Recently, he has also looked into rainfall-induced slope instability (geotechnical failures due to typhoons), in addition to earthquake induced deformation and failure of geosystems. Ground deformation due to deep excavation is one of his most recent research topics. He collaborates actively with international institutions/ agencies. He has made several reconnaissance trips related to the typhoon and earthquake disasters.

Dr. Ling is the Editor-In-Chief for Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology, Associate Editor for the ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering as well as the editorial board member for a few other journals. He serves on several technical committees in the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute and ASCE Geo-Institute. Dr. Ling received the Career Award from the National Science Foundation in 2001. He was a recipient of the Aitalyev Medal from the Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society in 2013 and the IGS Award from the International Geosynthetics Society in 2014. Shijiazhuang Railway Institute (China) granted Dr. Ling with an honorary professorship in 2014.

Dr. Ling has published extensively in major journals and conferences. He has also organized several major conferences in New York and abroad (such as Rome and Bologna, Italy).


上一條:(轉)關于3號、4號實驗樓有線網切換的通知 下一條:關于申報2018年度寶鋼教育獎的通知


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