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【講座通知】Florin Bode教授-改善封閉空間氣流組織的通風策略及一些特殊運用

2019-11-05  點擊:[]


主講人:Florin Bode,羅馬尼亞克盧日-納波卡技術大學機械工程系

講座主題:Ventilation strategies for improving air distribution in confined spaces and other special applications (改善封閉空間氣流組織的通風策略及一些特殊運用)







Florin Bode, is an Associate professor at Technical University of Cluj – Napoca. He also teaches at Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest. At Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, he is a research professor in CAMBI research center where he is the leader of the numerical methods team. In 2010 he completed his PhD on thermal and fluid dynamic processes in burners and furnaces in swirling combustion. In 2013 he completed a postdoctoral project on innovative personalized ventilation diffusers for automotive and building applications. He once did research at Lund University, Sweden (2008, 2009, 2010, 2015), Rouen University, France (2009), Royal Military Academy from Bruxelles, Belgium (2012), La Rochelle University, France (2013, 2013). His research interests cover: Ventilation in special applications (personalized ventilation in buildings, vehicles, trains, airplanes, operating rooms, cabin crew on ISS), Industrial ventilation, Thermal comfort, Indoor Ambient Quality, Fluid flows biomedical applications, Urban air pollution, etc. He has published more than 100 scientific articles.

上一條:【講座通知】莫納什大學土木工程學院能源系主任Dr.Hossein-土木工程、采礦工程及石油工程的前沿研究學術報告 下一條:【講座通知】法國克萊蒙奧弗涅大學Abdelhamid Bouchair教授-結構工程中鋼材、木材及混凝土材料的組合應用


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