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【學術講座】京都大學大西正光教授——How to connect science and practice?

2024-10-21  點擊:[]


講座題目:How to connect science and practice?

講座時間: 2024年11月2日9:00

講座地點: 厚興樓(3號實驗樓)209

        報告摘要:Although science is the basis for various social plans, there are countless cases in which plans or actions that are scientifically shown to be necessary are not actually implemented. Such a problem in which plans and actions that are considered necessary are not always implemented is called an implementation gap. The implementation gap is a problem that cannot be ignored, especially by researchers who are intereted in social policy development. In my presentation, I will explain a systemic approach to overcome the implementation gap and link science and practice.

        主講人簡介:Onishi Masamitsu, BSc., MSc., Dr Eng., is a Professor at Department of Urban Management, Kyoto University, Japan. His doctoral degree was awarded by Kyoto University. He has published about 100 academic papers which concern construction project management, public private partnerships, disaster prevention, and project financing. Prof. Onishi is a board member of Research Committee of Private Finance Initiative in Japan Society of Civil Engineering (JSCE). He is a recipient of JSCE young researcher award 2006 and best paper award 2008.


上一條:【學術講堂】 徐國際 教授,西南交通大學:跨海橋梁多災害作用及防護 下一條:【學術講堂】 季斌 教授,武漢大學:云空化多尺度非平衡流動輸運及空蝕破壞機理研究


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